6 Agustus 2010

100 Software Gratis Untuk Windows 7


Di bawah ini ada 100 software gratis untuk para pemakai windows 7. Langsung aja

Spoiler for 50 Software Part I:
Kumpulan Software Bagian 1Free
Spoiler for Software:

user guide win7 SEDOT

1. SpeedUp win7 SEDOT

2. Taskbar Eliminator SEDOT

3. Standalone Stack 2 SEDOT

4. Backup Driver SEDOT

5. Display Lyric WMP SEDOT

6. Update Windows offline SEDOT

7. Login With Photo SEDOT

8. OneClick Program Online SEDOT

9. 3D Desktop SEDOT

10. Colour Folder SEDOT

Kumpulan Software Bagian 2Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. Optimize System SEDOT

2. Tweaking Windows SEDOT

3. Drivereasy/Update Driver SEDOT

4. Taskbar Tweaking SEDOT

5. Repair Manager Utility SEDOT

6. Hide Desktop Icon SEDOT

7. Buka Menu dengan klik kanan SEDOT

8. Ganti Logo StartMenu SEDOT

9. ShutDown Plus Defrag Registry SEDOT

10.System Security Keren SEDOT

Kumpulan Software Bagian 3Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. 5 free winfix windows SEDOT

2. 7 Quickfix windows SEDOT

3. Ganti Logon Screen SEDOT


5. Windows Se7en Huge Driver List SEDOT

6. Update Win7 with SevenUpdate SEDOT

7. Clean Desktop SEDOT

8. Hide Drive SEDOT1 SEDOT2

9. Fix Windows Crash SEDOT

10. WinFIX for repair SEDOT

Kumpulan Software Bagian 4Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. Check Bad Sector SEDOT

2. FIX B.S.O.D (Black Screen Of Death) SEDOT

3. WinFlash Install win7 via USB SEDOT

4. Complete System TuneUp SEDOT

5. Win7 Starter Kit SEDOT

6. Windows Mail Backup SEDOT

7. Taskbar Tweaker SEDOT1 SEDOT2

8. Gatged|Themes|walpaper SEDOT

9. Malware&Spyware Removal SEDOT

10.Gmail Good Notifier SEDOT

Kumpulan Software Bagian 5Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. Keyboard Shortcut win7 TUTORIAL

2. Win7Zilla Tweak SEDOT

3. Google Android On Win7 SEDOT

4. Streaming Video On Desktop SEDOT

5. Donlot driver khusus Dell win7 SEDOT

6. MAC OS Leopard Full SEDOT

7. Style Keren SEDOT

8. Product Key Repaired SEDOT

9. Product Key Finder SEDOT

10.Win7 Mnager 2010 SEDOT

Spoiler for 20 Software Part II:
Kumpulan Software Bagian 6 Free
Spoiler for Software:
1. Partition Wizard Home Edition v.4.0 SEDOT

2. Twetter SideBar SEDOT

3. Recovery Key SEDOT

4. Windows7 Tips&Trick SEDOT

5. Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor SEDOT

6. soobes (twitter, Facebook &mySpace tab) SEDOT

7. XdN Tweeker SEDOT

8. Any WidGet SEDOT

9. Create & Install Themes PRIKIEW

10.Single Click Drive On SystemTray SEDOT

Software Bagian 7 Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. Win7 CodecPack SEDOT

2. Win7 Logon Change SEDOT

3. Hidden Themes win7 TUTORIAL

4. Fix Drive Missing/Menampilkan Drive yg Tersembunyi TUTORIAL

5. Google Chrome 5.0.375.3 offline Installer SEDOT

6. Kaspersky 2011 FINAL [KAV] [KIS]

7. ZIP Genius SEDOT

8. Opera 10 Final Ed. SEDOT

9. Jet Audio 8 XCV Edition SEDOT

10.Adobe Lightroom Final+Keygen SEDOT

Spoiler for LANJUTAN 30 Software Part II:
Software Bagian 8 Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. Flash Player ActiveX Final [For IE] [For FireFox&Opera]

2. Adobe AIR Final SEDOT

3. Raxco PerfectDisk Final+Keygen [for Server] [Professional]

4. Cyberlink PowerDVD 10 UpdatePatch SEDOT

5. Mic. Security Essensial (32bit) SEDOT

6. Adobe Reader 9.3 SEDOT

7. cFosSpeed 5.12 Incl.Keygen SEDOT1 SEDOT2

8. Google Earth (GPS+3D Support) SEDOT

9. Cyberlink YouCam Normalized For win7 SEDOT

10.Microsoft Office 2010 BlueEdition FullActivate [Part1] [Part2] [Part3] [part4]

Software Bagian 9 Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. Windows All Detail SEDOT

2. WinRAR Full+Keygen SEDOT

3. YamicSoft.Win7.Manager+Keygen [32bit] [64bit]

4. Yahoo Massanger 10 Final SEDOT

5. NetFrameWork 4 (32&64bit) SEDOT

6. NetFrameWork Detector SEDOT

7. Internet Explorer 2010 [32bit] [64bit] [server2008 32bit] [server2008 64bit]

8. New Safari Web Browser SEDOT

9. Opera 10.50 FL SEDOT

10.ComodoDragon Web Browser SEDOT

Software Bagian 10 Free
Spoiler for Software:

1. CodecPack For Win7 SEDOT

2. CoreInfo (check Processor Detail) SEDOT

3. BluetoothRadar SEDOT

4. DesktopTimeTracker SEDOT

5. DesktopExtended SEDOT

6. DNS Exchenger SEDOT

7. DocumentViewer SEDOT

8. FishBowl (SimpleToFacebook) SEDOT

9. ISO Recorder [32bit] [64bit]

10.JoulMeter (powerConsumption) SEDOT

sumber: kaskus.us

11 komentar:

sangat bermanfaat semoga berkah gan....

maaf bro semua isi blok ini gw copy ke blok we ya,,hehe maklum semua isi blok gw hasil copy paste,,hihi,,makasih bro infonya,,by host master international.trims


I've used Kaspersky Anti virus for a few years, and I would recommend this solution to everybody.

Great post.I'm glad to see people are still interested of Article.Thank you for an interesting read........

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